Application Status

The following list shows the status of the ESPAD application submitted by researchers.

Admitted and Validated = YES ? application admitted by the ESPAD Application Committee, requested ESPAD data will be provided.

Admitted and Validated = NO ? application under validation of the ESPAD Application Committee.

Working title List of Authors Validated Status Reference
Prevalence of Slovenian youth gambling and potential influence of substance use and other risk factors
First Name Last Name Istitution
Simon Starček Faculty of Law and Economy
Yes - -
Prevalence and predictors of inconsistent reporting on substance use
First Name Last Name Istitution
Romain Brisson University of Luxembourg
Yes - -
Income and Cancer Outcomes: The Social Gradient in Risk and Survival
First Name Last Name Istitution
Martin Halla WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business
Matthias Hochholzer WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business
Yes - -
Assistant professor
First Name Last Name Istitution
Huajie Jin King's College London
Peizhe Yan King's College London
Emilio Fernandez-Egea University of Cambridge
Peter Jone University of Cambridge
Yes Not published -
An Examination of Unipolar Item Response Theory Models in Continuous and Categorical Data
First Name Last Name Istitution
Sebahat Gören Hacettepe University
Hülya Kelecioğlu Hacettepe University
Yes Not published -
Problematic internet use, motivations, familial and peer relationships
First Name Last Name Istitution
Richard Morris University of Padova
Tania Moretta University of Padova
Marc N Potenza Yale University
Yes Not published -
Youngsters, suicidal behaviour and internet and social media behaviour
First Name Last Name Istitution
August Gabriel Wang Copenhagen University Hospital
Titia Lahoz Copenhagen University Hospital
Yes Not published -
Was the Green Paper on alcohol policy associated with a decrease in alcohol consumption and attributable harm? A multi-method evaluation of Estonian alcohol policy in 2013–2022
First Name Last Name Istitution
Rainer Reile National Institute for Health Development
Yes Not published -
Alcohol consumption and leisure among Czech juveniles
First Name Last Name Istitution
Adam Král Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Zuzana Podaná Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Yes Published
Info about the publication:

This bachelor's thesis examines the relationship between the leisure activities of adolescents and the decline in alcohol consumption among adolescents in the Czech Republic between 2011 and 2019.

The effect of alcohol marketing policies on alcohol consumption in Europe
First Name Last Name Istitution
Daniela Correia WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jakob Manthey Centre of Interdisciplinary Addiction Research (ZIS), Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Ludwig Kraus Department of Public Health Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Juergen Rehm Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Institute for Mental Health Policy Research & Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Toronto, Canada
Yes Not published -
Risk Factors for the Behavioral Triad of Gambling, Smoking, and Alcohol Consumption: An Observational Study in Adolescents in four Southern European Countries
First Name Last Name Istitution
Pedro Ramos Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Joana Alves Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Yes Not published -
Youth drug use and parental social class
First Name Last Name Istitution
Victoria Sendmar Stockholm University
Tatiana Ferndando Stockholm University
Yes Interrupted -
Factors related to e-cigarette use among adolescents in Europe
First Name Last Name Istitution
Biljana Kilibarda Institute of Public Health of Serbia
Sonia Cerrai National Research Council, Institute Of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy;Department Of Epidemiology, Care And Public Health Research Institute (Caphri), Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Elisa Benedetti National Research Council, Institute Of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy
Jelena Gudelj Rakic Institute of Public Health of Serbia
Verica Jovanovic Institute of Public Health of Serbia
Yes Not published -
Are drug prevention programmes and policies associated with youths’ risk perception and drug use?: A comparative analysis of 27 EU member states
First Name Last Name Istitution
Aminat Baderinwa Institute of Public Health of Porto University
Yes Not published -
The Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Consumption during Adolescence
First Name Last Name Istitution
Manuel Bagues University of Warwick
Carmen Villa-Llera University of Warwick
Yes Not published -
Early School Enrollment and its Impact on Teenage Risky Behavior
First Name Last Name Istitution
Fabian Dehos RWI - leibniz institute for economic research
Yes Not published -
Binge drinking, Socialization, Internet use and adolescent fertility rates
First Name Last Name Istitution
Torleif Halkjelsvik FHI
Elin Bye FHI
Geir Scott Brunborg FHI
Vegard Skirbekk FHI
Yes Not published -
Differences in motives for drinking among 15-16 year old students in European countries
First Name Last Name Istitution
Nico Van der Lely Reinier de Graaf Hospital
I.M Rossow Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Louise Pigeaud Reinier de Graaf Hospital
Karin Monshouwer Trimbos Institute
Yes Not published -
Gambling among adolescents in 2015−2019: Estonia compared to neighbouring countries
First Name Last Name Istitution
Sigrid Vorobjov Estonian Institute for Health Development
Kersti Pärna University of Tartu
Silver Tabo
Yes Published Silver Tabo, Master's student, (sup) Kersti Pärna; Sigrid Vorobjov, Hasartmängurlus ja sellega seotud tegurid 15-16-aastaste kooliõpilaste hulgas: Eesti võrdlus naaberriikidega (Gambling and related factors among 15-16-year-old students: Estonia compared to neighbouring countries), University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health
Info about the publication:

Teen drinking and smoking: complements or substitutes?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Olga Malkova University of Kentucky
Yes Not published -
Effect of the Alcohol Law 2013/2015 on alcohol consumption by Portuguese adolescents
First Name Last Name Istitution
Teresa Leão ISPUP/FMUP
Daniela Lima USP Maia/Valongo
Isabel Andrade USP Maia/Valongo
Yes Not published -
Risk and resiliency for being an abstainer or a (heavy) drinker
First Name Last Name Istitution
Johanna Loy IFT Institut für Therapieforschung, Centre for Mental Health and Addiction Research
Elena Gomes de Matos IFT Institut für Therapieforschung, Centre for Mental Health and Addiction Research
Ludwig Kraus IFT Institut für Therapieforschung, Centre for Mental Health and Addiction Research
Yes Not published -
Socioeconomic inequalities in use, access and risk perception of illicit drugs among European teenagers
First Name Last Name Istitution
Julian Perelman Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Joana Alves Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Claudia Palladino
Márcia Ribeiro Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Yes Published J Perelman, M Ribeiro, J Alves, C Palladino, Unequal cannabis use among European adolescents: the mediating role of perceived access and risk, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, November 2024,
Info about the publication:

Changes in Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Since 1995: Consequences for Adolescent Drug Use
First Name Last Name Istitution
Richard Miech University of Michigan
Sabrina Molinaro National Research Council of Italy
All others who are interested
Yes Published doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2023.104315.
Info about the publication:

Miech R, Heeringa SG, Molinaro S, Benedetti E.
Cannabis reduction among adolescents as spillover from successful tobacco control.
Int J Drug Policy. 2024 Jan 5;124:104315.
doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2023.104315.
Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38183859.

Gender inequalities in the consumption of anxiolytics/hypnosedatives by adolescents in Europe: intersectional analysis.
First Name Last Name Istitution
Amaia Bacigalupe University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Xabi Martinez-Mendia University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Unai Martin University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Andrea Cabezas-Rodriguez University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Uxue Bilbao University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Yes Not published -
Family structure and adolescents' outcomes
First Name Last Name Istitution
Raffaele Guetto University of Florence
Daniele Vignoli University of Florence
Yes Paper in progress -
Social and individual determinants of adolescent alcohol consumption – differences across Europe
First Name Last Name Istitution
Beata Łopaciuk-Gonczaryk University of Warsaw
Joanna Łukaszewicz University of Warsaw
Yes Not published -
Relative age and risky behaviors
First Name Last Name Istitution
Francesco Principe Universita' di Padova
Yes Paper in progress Fumarco, Luca, and Francesco Principe. (2024). Causal Mechanisms of Relative Age Effects on Adolescent Risky Behaviours. (EdWorkingPaper: 24 -1088).
Info about the publication:

Fumarco, Luca, and Francesco Principe. (2024). Causal Mechanisms of Relative Age Effects on Adolescent Risky Behaviours. (EdWorkingPaper: 24 -1088).

School Smoking Bans and Health Behavior
First Name Last Name Istitution
Kristina Strohmaier University of Duisburg-Essen
Gregor Pfeifer University of Sydney
Yes Interrupted -
Socioeconomic inequalities in use, access and risk perception of illicit drugs among European teenagers
First Name Last Name Istitution
Julian Perelman Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Yes Interrupted -
Drinking cultures in Europe
First Name Last Name Istitution
Stefan Andrade VIVE
Yes Not published -
Discontinuities in the Age-Victimization Profile and the Determinants of Victimization
First Name Last Name Istitution
Anna Bindler University of Cologne
Randi Hjalmarsson University of Gothenburg
Nadine Ketel Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Yes Interrupted -
Is the country prevalence of e-cigarette use among European adolescents associated with development in cigarette use?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Geir S. Brunborg Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Torleif Halkjelsvik Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Elin K. Bye Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Yes Interrupted -
The Alcohol Consumption Patterns of Finns in Comparisons
First Name Last Name Istitution
Emma Savela University of Helsinki
Yes Not published -
COORDINATE Harmonization process
First Name Last Name Istitution
Scott Milligan GESIS
Insa Bechert GESIS
Markus Quandt GESIS
Alexia Katsanidou GESIS
Yes Not published -
The association between e-cigarette policies and e-cigarette use among European youth
First Name Last Name Istitution
Hanna Ollila Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Kirsimarja Raitasalo Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Yelena Tarasenko Georgia Southern University, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
Angela Ciobanu WHO European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases
Yes Paper in progress -
Changes in the association between alcohol and cannabis use from 2003 to 2019 among Nordic adolescents: possible changes in the strength of the association and in the contribution of risk and protective factors for levels of use
First Name Last Name Istitution
Elin Bye Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Inger Synnove Moan Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ingeborg Rossow Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ola Ekholm National Institute of Public Health, Denmark
Johan Svensson The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs
Ársæll Már Arnarsson University of Iceland
Yes Paper in progress -
Combined Alcohol and Energy Drinks Consumption: risk behaviours and consumption patterns among European students
First Name Last Name Istitution
marco scalese National Research Council
sabrina molinaro National Research Council
Yes Interrupted -
Portraying cigarette and electronic cigarette use and determinants among high school students in 35 European countries
First Name Last Name Istitution
Sonia Cerrai National Research Council of Italy
Elisa Benedetti National Research Council of Italy
Emanuela Colasante National Research Council of Italy
Marco Scalese National Research Council of Italy
Giuseppe Gorini Oncologic Network, Prevention and Research Institute, Florence
Silvano Gallus Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milan
Sabrina Molinaro National Research Council of Italy
Yes Published doi: 10.1111/add.15982
Info about the publication:

Cerrai S, Benedetti E, Colasante E, Scalese M, Gorini G, Gallus S, Molinaro S. E-cigarette use and conventional cigarette smoking among European students: findings from the 2019 ESPAD survey. Addiction. 2022 Nov;117(11):2918-2932. doi: 10.1111/add.15982. Epub 2022 Jul 12. PMID: 35768962.

Are changes in adolescent drinking associated with changes in heavy episodic drinking?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Elin Bye Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ingeborg Rossow Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Inger Synnøve Moan Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Yes Published DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19137965
Info about the publication:

Rossow, I.; Bye, E.K.; Moan, I.S. The Declining Trend in Adolescent Drinking: Do Volume and Drinking Pattern Go Hand in Hand? Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 7965.

Current Alcohol Use Rising in Hungary But Not in Europe. Why? Explanation for Different Trends in Current Alcohol Use Among Students Based on ESPAD 2003-2019 surveys
First Name Last Name Istitution
Petra Arnold Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Corvinus University of Budapest
Ágoston Horváth Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Corvinus University of Budapest
Yes Published
Info about the publication:

Petra Arnold, Ágoston Horváth & Zsuzsanna Elekes (2022) Adolescents’ alcohol use is decreasing in Europe but not in all of the countries. Why?, Journal of Substance Use

A European perspective on the role of drinking context among adolescents
First Name Last Name Istitution
Kraus Ludwig IFT Institut für Therapieforschung
Johanna Loy IFT Institut für Therapieforschung
Nicki-Nils Seitz IFT Institut für Therapieforschung
Yes Paper in progress -
Social media and mental health
First Name Last Name Istitution
Leopoldo Fergusson Universidad de Los Andes
Carlos Molina Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yes Not published -
Exploring the main factors determining adolescent illicit drug use in Greece
First Name Last Name Istitution
Nikos Sfyrakis University of Crete
Stefania Kalogeraki University of Crete
Yes Interrupted -
Cultural and generational differences in beverage composition: new directions
First Name Last Name Istitution
Johanna Loy Germany
Ludwig Kraus Germany
Nicki-Nils Seitz Germany
Elin Bye Norway
Kirsimarja Raitasalo Finland
Jakob Manthey Germany
Carolin Kilian Germany
Renate Soellner Germany
Björn Trolldal Sweden
Jukka Törrönen Sweden
Yes Published doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010933
Info about the publication:

Loy JK, Seitz NN, Bye EK, Dietze P, Kilian C, Manthey J, Raitasalo K, Soellner R, Trolldal B, Törrönen J, Kraus L. Changes in Alcoholic Beverage Choice and Risky Drinking among Adolescents in Europe 1999-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Oct 18;18(20):10933. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010933. PMID: 34682678; PMCID: PMC8536155.

Changes in alcohol consumption among adolescents in Nordic and other European countries: Collectivity or polarisation?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Johanna Loy Germany
Ludwig Kraus Germany
Nicki Nils Seitz Germany
Elin Bye Norway
Renate Soellner Germany
Kirsimarja Raitasalo Finland
Jukka Törrönen Sweden
Yes Published -
Info about the publication:

Loy JK, Seitz NN, Bye EK, Raitasalo K, Soellner R, Törrönen J, Kraus L. Trends in alcohol consumption among adolescents in Europe: Do changes occur in concert? Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 Nov 1;228:109020. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109020. Epub 2021 Sep 1. PMID: 34537468.

to ensure that the CAST is cross-country invariant. Invariance encompasses configural invariance; metric invariance and scalar invariance.
First Name Last Name Istitution
Stanislas Spilka OFDT
Stéphane Legleye Inserm
Eric Janssen OFDT
Yes Not published -
Analysis of the time series of polyuse index values and correlation with early school leaving in countries based on ESPAD data
First Name Last Name Istitution
Emanuela Colasante National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Carla Rossi University of Rome Tor Vergata
Ludwig Kraus IFT Institut für Therapieforschung
Sabrina Molinaro National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Yes Published doi: 10.2174/2589977515666230130093613
Info about the publication:

Fabi F, Colasante E, Molinaro S, Scalia Tomba G, Rossi C. Quantitative Assessment of High School Students' Poly-drug Use: Related Social Aspects and School Dropout. Curr Drug Res Rev. 2023;15(2):177-187. doi: 10.2174/2589977515666230130093613. PMID: 36718058.

Alcohol Versus Combined Alcohol and Energy Drinks Consumption: risk behaviors and consumption patterns
First Name Last Name Istitution
Marco Scalese National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Elisa Benedetti National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Sonia Cerrai National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Emanuela Colasante National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Loredana Fortunato National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Sabrina Molinaro National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Yes Published
Info about the publication:

Marco Scalese, Elisa Benedetti, Sonia Cerrai, Emanuela Colasante, Loredana Fortunato, Sabrina Molinaro,
Alcohol versus combined alcohol and energy drinks consumption: Risk behaviors and consumption patterns among European students.
Alcohol, Volume 110, 2023,
Pages 15-21, ISSN 0741-8329,

Last year cannabis use and problematic cannabis use among adolescents in Europe: relationship with perceived risk, environmental factors and sociodemographic factors
First Name Last Name Istitution
Emanuela Colasante National Research Council of Italy
Elisa Benedetti National Research Council of Italy
Sonia Cerrai National Research Council of Italy
Sabrina Molinaro National Research Council of Italy
Yes Interrupted -
Gambling engagement and problem/excessive gambling among adolescents in Europe: do game types matter?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Elisa Benedetti CNR-IFC
Sonia Cerrai CNR-IFC
Emanuela Colasante CNR-IFC
Sabrina Molinaro CNR-IFC
Yes Published
Info about the publication:

Gabriele Lombardi, Sabrina Molinaro, Rodolfo Cotichini, Sonia Cerrai, Marco Scalese, Elisa Benedetti,
The cards they're dealt: types of gambling activity, online gambling, and risk of problem gambling in European adolescents,
Social Science & Medicine,
Volume 363, 2024, 117482, ISSN 0277-9536,

Are changes in adolescent drinking associated with changes in internet and social media use?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Elin K. Bye Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Geir S. Brunborg Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Torleif Halkjelsvik Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Yes Interrupted -
Electronic Nicotine Delivery System use and cigarette smoking among adolescents in Europe: new scenarios of nicotine consumption
First Name Last Name Istitution
Sonia Cerrai National Research Council of Italy
Elisa Benedetti National Research Council of Italy
Emanuela Colasante National Research Council of Italy
Giuseppe Gorini Oncologic Network, Prevention and Research Institute, Florence
Silvano Gallus Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milan
Sabrina Molinaro National Research Council of Italy
Yes Interrupted -
Revisiting the structure of DMQ-R SF in adolescents for 12 European countries: Evidence from ESPAD 2019
First Name Last Name Istitution
Anastasia Charalampi Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences
Anastasios Fotiou University Mental Health, Neurosciences, & Precision Medicine Research Institute
Eleftheria Kanavou University Mental Health, Neurosciences, & Precision Medicine Research Institute
Myrto Stavrou University Mental Health, Neurosciences, & Precision Medicine Research Institute
Clive Richardson Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences
Anna Kokkevi Athens University Medical School; University Mental Health, Neurosciences, & Precision Medicine Research Institute
Yes Not published -
Life in a Sip: youth alcoholism under lockdown
First Name Last Name Istitution
Carlo Altomonte Bocconi University
Yes Not published -
“Problematic gaming in adolescence: a multi-level study”
First Name Last Name Istitution
Sabrina Molinaro National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Emanuela Colasante National Research Council of Italy - CNR
Natale Canale University of Padova
Alessio Vieno University of Padova
Claudia Marino University of Padova
Erika Pivetta University of Padova
Yes Published doi: 10.1111/add.15843
Info about the publication:

Colasante E, Pivetta E, Canale N, Vieno A, Marino C, Lenzi M, Benedetti E, King DL, Molinaro S. Problematic gaming risk among European adolescents: a cross-national evaluation of individual and socio-economic factors. Addiction.
2022 Aug;117(8):2273-2282. doi: 10.1111/add.15843. Epub 2022 Feb 28. PMID: 35165980; PMCID: PMC9544763.

Changes in alcohol consumption among adolescents in Nordic and other European countries: Collectivity or polarisation?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Johanna Loy Germany
Elin Bye Norway
Renate Soellner Germany
Kirsimarja Raitasalo Finland
Björn Trolldal Sweden
Yes Interrupted -
Adolescence Mental Health in Croatia – trends 1999-2019 (infographic)
First Name Last Name Istitution
Ljiljana Muslić Croatian Institute of Public Health
Yes Published To be published as online version at the official website
Info about the publication:

Infographic "Insights on Adolescent Mental Health in Croatia from ESPAD survey"

Authors: Croatia ESPAD team members from the Health Promotion Division from Croatian Institute of Public Health - Ljiljana Muslić, Nikola Lanščak, Diana Jovičić Burić, Sanja Musić Milanović

Changes in Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Since 1995: Consequences for Adolescent Drug Use
First Name Last Name Istitution
Richard Miech Monitoring the Future
Katerina Skarupova Monitoring the Future
Yes Interrupted -
Is the relationship between parental neglect and alcohol problems mediated by coping motives in adolescents in ESPAD countries?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Lorna Hardy University of Exeter
Lee Hogarth University of Exeter
Yes Interrupted -
Alcohol consumption amongst young people in the United Kingdom and Sweden.
First Name Last Name Istitution
Felicia Frennesson University of Bristol
Yes Interrupted -
Alcohol consumption amongst young people in the United Kingdom and Sweden.
First Name Last Name Istitution
Felicia Frennesson University of Bristol
Yes Interrupted -
The impact of cigarette smoking on school grades of polish youth.
First Name Last Name Istitution
Marcin Kret University of Warsaw
Yes Interrupted -
A Comparative Analysis of Drug Policy in the UK and Poland
First Name Last Name Istitution
Greg Los University of Kent
Yes Not published -
Did leisure time activities contribute to the decline in adolescent alcohol use?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Dr Michael Livingston La Trobbe University
Mrs Rakhi Vashishtha La Trobbe University
Prof Paul Deitze Monash University
Dr Amy Pennay La Trobbe University
Dr John Holmes Sheffield University
Yes Published doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103508
Info about the publication:

Vashishtha R, Holmes J, Pennay A, Dietze PM, Livingston M. An examination of the role of changes in country-level leisure time internet use and computer gaming on adolescent drinking in 33 European countries. Int J Drug Policy. 2022 Feb;100:103508. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103508. Epub 2021 Oct 29. PMID: 34736131.

Is the relationship between parental neglect and alcohol problems mediated by coping motives in adolescents in ESPAD countries?
First Name Last Name Istitution
Lorna Hardy University of Exeter
Lee Hogarth University of Exeter
Yes Interrupted -


The main purpose of ESPAD is to collect comparable data on substance use in Europe among 16 year old students, in order to monitor trends within as well as between countries.


© 2019 ESPAD - the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs.